1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
Just like any other storage space, craft supply closets can tend toward chaos over time. With a storage unit, you’ll be able to categorize and inventory all your supplies and projects neatly so that you can access them without a problem.
Here are some of the top reasons why you should organize your crafting supplies into a storage unit now.
1. Your Procrastination Could Exacerbate Disorganization
If your supplies are becoming more disorganized over time, putting off organizing them will ensure that the problem is worse when you eventually do tackle it.
Taking a day or two to really go through and organize everything could be worth it in the long run. But even if you don't do it all at once, starting now can still help. Spending a few minutes per day on a small organizational task can turn the tide towards your ideals of tidiness and organization.
2. You’ll Enable Easier Records for Tax Purposes
If you sell crafted items, you'll have to report that income to the IRS and pay some of the money to taxes. Even if you only sell a few things, treating your crafts as a business may be financially beneficial when it comes to tax time.
But as you can imagine, this only works if you know what supplies you have, keep track of how much they cost, and so on. Exact records and good organization are imperative for filing taxes correctly. Organizing the craft supplies you have on hand into a storage unit can allow you to keep like-materials together easily and keep track of how much you have of each item.
This detailed information and organization also allows you to calculate how much of each material you used in products you sold so you can calculate your cost-of-goods-sold deductions.
3. You Can Avoid Duplicate Purchases and Waste
If you've been crafting for a while, you can all too easily forget what supplies you have lurking in your closets. If you have a few bins in the attic that aren't inventoried and organized, for instance, you may not realize you already have some of the supplies you need for a project. Then you might accidentally buy duplicates.
In some cases, such as if the duplicate supplies have an expiration date (like certain types of glue), this could even mean some of the items go to waste. Bringing all the supplies and projects together and organizing them into one central storage unit can help you avoid these types of issues.
4. You’ll Keep Messes From Sapping the Joy Out of Crafting
You may have heard that having messes around the house could increase mental clutter and kill your creativity. To avoid this problem, every space you use should be organized so you can easily find things while working through your creative process.
A storage unit that has everything neatly labeled means you can avoid frustrating searches for something you thought you had, which could throw off your concentration. And keeping things in the storage unit means you don't have to store them all in your workspace where they could distract you from the project at hand.
5. You’ll Eliminate Inefficient Use of Space
Duplicate materials, partially filled boxes, and other inefficiencies can easily creep into your storage areas. Because of this, go through everything as you pack it up to take to a storage unit. The more organized your crafting supplies are, the more you'll be able to keep them efficiently stored into as little space as possible.
These are just some of the reasons why every serious crafter should consider organizing their stored supplies into a storage unit. For more information on the types and sizes of units we have available for this purpose, get in touch with Tysons Self Storage today.
Reston/Great Falls Location: Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
E-mail: tysonsstorage@earthlink.net
Reston/Great Falls Location:
Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
Reston/Great Falls Location: Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
E-mail: tysonsstorage@earthlink.net