1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
Are you out of storage space for in-home school and work? Before you add to the piles of papers and bounty of books, take a look at how you can use an off-site self-storage unit to de-clutter your family's school-from-home and work-from-home areas.
Sort, Separate, and Store Paper Products
Old assignments, exams, files, child-made artwork, and anything else you printed onto paper in the last year needs a new space. If your desk is filled with old notes you took during video conference calls or your child's school space has tests on it that were taken last November, it's time to start sorting.
To effectively sort, separate, and store school and work papers:
After you choose which paper products to store, place the items into folders or a file-folder box. Store fragile paper products, such as photos, between pieces of acid-free archival paper. Place the documents/paper items into ventilated cardboard boxes, seal the containers with packing tape, and label each box. To organize everything effectively, place each family member's papers into separate containers.
Select, Separate, and Store Office Furniture
The school year is nearing its end or over. Will your child return to full-time in-person instruction in the fall? If your child's days of homeschooling are over, you will go back to the office (and stop working from home) soon, or your family is taking an extended school or work break over the summer, you can use extra space in your home.
If you need to empty some in-home areas, remove school or office furniture temporarily. Even though you may not need every desk, chair, and bookshelf right now, it's possible that you'll need to set up a home school or office again in the near future. Instead of selling or giving away these items, store them. Before you remove or store these items:
After you've disassembled and packed your home office furniture for storage, it's time to bring it to the rental facility. If you plan to use the homeschooling items or work-from-home furniture again in a few months, keep these pieces in an easy-to-access part of the storage unit.
Do you need to rent a storage unit? Contact Tysons Self Storage for more information.
Reston/Great Falls Location: Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
E-mail: tysonsstorage@earthlink.net
Reston/Great Falls Location:
Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
Reston/Great Falls Location: Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
E-mail: tysonsstorage@earthlink.net