1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
How you store something depends on various factors such as the items’ value, sensitivity, and size, among other things. For example, electronic items tend to be both sensitive and expensive, which means they require careful storage parameters. Here are a few tips to follow the next time you want to store your computers, cameras, or game consoles, among other electronics.
Back Up Data
For electronic equipment that have data, back up the data as an extra precaution against loss or damage. Laptops, gaming consoles, cameras, and phones are some of the items that may have data stored in them. Otherwise, you might come for your camera only to find that the memory card is damaged or the camera doesn't work and you can't access your pictures.
Clean and Dry Them
Dust and dry all electronics before you store them. The dust will attract moisture and damage your equipment. Don't forget that moisture conducts electricity and can cause short circuits in your electronics. Moisture also encourages corrosion, which damages electronic components.
Consult Owner's Manual
Most manufacturers of electronic items specify how users should keep their products. The specification may be something as simple as "This Side Up," or it can be an elaborate step-by-step instruction on how to store an electronic item. Read and follow the instructions for storage to the letter.
Detach Wires and Accessories
Most electronic components have detachable accessories or components that you can remove and store separately. Detach these components and accessories and keep them in separate boxes for increased safety. Disassembly also reduces the effective weight of the electronics, which is another safety factor.
For example, unplug keyboard or mice from computers, remove memory cards from cameras, and remove batteries from items that have batteries. Accessories that dangle from the main equipment may get tangled up and cause damage. The batteries might leak and damage your electronics irrevocably.
Use Original Packaging
For almost any object, the original packaging offers the best form of protection possible because the manufacturer customized it for the item in question. Therefore, hunt for the original packaging and use them instead of generic storage boxes. Only opt for generic storage boxes if the original boxes are not available since any packaging is better than none.
Use Antistatic Foam Wrapping
Some electronic components are so sensitive that static electricity can damage them. For example, static electricity can damage computer parts such as processors, RAMs, and motherboards. Wrap up such items in antistatic bubble wrap to protect them during storage.
Even if you don't use antistatic wrapping, stay away from plastic wrappings for all your electronics. Some people think that plastic is good because it is moisture-proof and keeps moisture out. Unfortunately, plastic will also trap moisture around your electronics, and the moisture might condense and cause damage. Use breathable materials to wrap your electronics.
Don't Stack Boxes Too High
Most electronics are delicate or contain delicate parts such as display monitors. Thus, take care not to stack up such items since the weight of the items above might cause damage. If you have to stack, first put the electronics in sturdy boxes that won't crumble or deform under the weight above them. Otherwise, your television screens or computer monitors might crack in storage.
Consider Climate-Controlled Storage
Consider climate-controlled storage if you have valuable or sensitive electronics. Climate-controlled units will protect your electronics from temperature extremes and high humidity. Climate control will also discourage mold growth or pest infestation in your storage unit.
Tysons Self Storage can help store your items safely whether you have commercial or residential items. Contact us for a quote or further explanations on the types of storage solutions we offer.
Reston/Great Falls Location: Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
E-mail: tysonsstorage@earthlink.net
Reston/Great Falls Location:
Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
Reston/Great Falls Location: Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
E-mail: tysonsstorage@earthlink.net