1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
Inventory is the lifeblood of your retail store. When it's stored off-site, having an accurate record of what's available and what's not is even more important in order to avoid wasting time and money. So, how can your retail operation improve its inventory methods? Here are five ways to make them more efficient and more cost-effective.
Designate a Receiving Department
All arriving inventory should go through one designated department before heading either to storage or the shelves. This receiving department might be one person or it might be several people, but they should be in charge of handling things rather than whoever is available.
The receiving department is responsible for checking incoming goods for quality and matching the order to what arrived. Then, they should create the right label and otherwise prep the goods to go into inventory.
Standardize Labels
Implement a labeling system that will work nearly all across the board. The more standardized your labels are, the less time your employees will spend trying to find goods or fill orders.
Each unit label should feature basic fonts, basic dark text on a light background and the same verbiage for routine items. Include only the basics needed for identification, including name, description, size, color, quantity and any bar code number you use. Avoid unnecessary distractions — like manufacturer information — on the label.
Store Thing Smartly
Look at your storage area. Are popular items in the front and easy to add or remove? Are like items - or items frequently purchased together - stored closely in distance? You may even want to track steps and traffic patterns to see where there's inefficient placement.
Another part of logical storage is to use a space that has plenty of room to maneuver. Employees should be able to move around easily, both with and without goods in hand, and sometimes even move around while others are in working in the same space. And use storage systems designed for your type of retail items. Storing inventory on cramped or repurposed shelving can easily result in lost time and missed inventory. Bright, new, clean shelves and bins keep things clean and easy to find.
Add Pictures and Maps
Never underestimate the value of a picture. Generally, employees rooting through inventory know what they're looking for visually. So, show them a picture of what's in each bin, box, or shelf. It will speed up the process and reduce errors. Pictures don't have to be fancy — they can be taken from a small camera or phone and printed right in the receiving department — but they must be able to show things like size, color, or certain details (as relevant).
Likewise, add up-to-date maps of the storage area so that everyone knows where to look for items. Post a map at the entrance to each inventory storage space with additional maps listing items in more detail within certain categories or departments. Use icons like arrow symbols to direct people quickly.
Involve Employees
Your sales and inventory workers are one of the most valuable assets you have in creating a great inventor system. Use their experience. Meet with staff at least once per quarter to discuss what's working and what's not. Seek and seriously consider their realistic ideas for solutions. Inventory methods are fluid systems, so there will likely always be room for improvement as long as no one feels beholden to any one way of doing things.
There is nearly always a way to improve your inventory storing methods and tracking. At Tysons Self Storage , we have spaces that can help you manage all your inventory storage needs. Stop by today to see what we can do to improve your warehousing system.
Reston/Great Falls Location: Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
E-mail: tysonsstorage@earthlink.net
Reston/Great Falls Location:
Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
Reston/Great Falls Location: Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
E-mail: tysonsstorage@earthlink.net