1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
Moving is not always a pleasant experience, considering all the stress and work that goes into it. It gets even more complicated when you are pregnant. When you combine nausea and unending fatigue of pregnancy with the pressures of planning a move, moving might seem unsurmountable.
Fortunately, you can do some things to achieve a seamless moving process. Whatever your reasons for moving while pregnant are, discover some tips to help you do it.
1. Start Planning Early
Plan ahead of time by creating a to-do list comprising all that moving entails, from cleaning and packing to finding the right movers. And do not forget to list all the moving supplies you will need, such as boxes, packing tape, and bubble wrap.
You should also take care of other crucial tasks early enough, such as changing mailing addresses and transferring your cable service. This will spare you a lot of unnecessary headaches when the moving day finally comes.
2. Move Before the Third Trimester
The third trimester is a very critical pregnancy period. The foot pain and backaches are bad enough, so why do you want to stress yourself more by carrying boxes and doing all manner of moving tasks? Moving earlier guarantees a comfortable experience.
3. Keep Off Stress
Although moving can be stressful, do your best to beat off stress and anxiety for the sake of your health. Every time you feel like stress is kicking in, do some exercises such as yoga or take a walk. This helps reduce cortisol levels and relieve stress. You can also invite your friends over or go grab dinner and hang out.
Reading a book is also an effective way of alleviating stress. And when nightfall comes, ensure that you enjoy uninterrupted sleep of not less than eight hours.
4. Avoid Harmful Chemicals
You must be careful when using some cleaning supplies, as some may contain toxic chemicals that can pose serious health risks to you and the baby. Avoid bleach and anything containing ammonia. And always wear gloves when cleaning countertops, dishes, and anywhere else in the house.
If you need to use cleaning chemicals, go for products with natural-based ingredients. Steer clear of anything containing parabens and other chemicals that can be detrimental to your health.
5. Find Packing Helpers
You should not pack the household items on your own when you are pregnant, as it can take a toll on you. Recruit some helpers from your neighborhood when packing. If your budget allows, engaging professional packers in the packing process will greatly pay dividends.
If you decide to do it alone, throw a parking party and invite your friends to help you with the packing. But ensure you have all the packing supplies ready.
6. Hire Professional Movers
Some people prefer to hire a truck and move their own stuff. This should not be an option when you are pregnant. Ensure that you contact a local reliable moving company to do the heavy lifting for you.
But do not just go with any company. Do some due diligence so that you only engage a reputable company that will get the job done without any issues. After choosing a moving company, figure out a date and time that will favor the entire family.
Yes, you can move while pregnant successfully. All you need are these six tips, and the moving process will be smooth and hassle-free. For all your moving supplies and self-storage needs,
Tysons Self Storage is at your service. We are just a call away, so reach out to us today. We are happy to answer any questions and concerns you have.
Reston/Great Falls Location: Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
E-mail: tysonsstorage@earthlink.net
Reston/Great Falls Location:
Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
Reston/Great Falls Location: Tel: 703-759-5400
1200 Downey Drive Vienna, VA 22182
E-mail: tysonsstorage@earthlink.net